Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thanks for dropping by..,

I have to admit that Entrecard has helped me a lot in producing traffic to my site. It's overwhelming to know that people actually visit my blogs, not just to drop cards, but to browse around and leave comments. I enjoy blog-hopping and and visiting other sites as well. It keeps me abreast with what's happening around the blogosphere. It's also a nice way to meet other bloggers who share the same passion. Special shout out to my top 1o droppers from entrecard. Thanks guys!!!


  1. I came by to "drop", another great widget that generates traffic is BlogUpp. It helped me out.

  2. thanks for the linky. it's always a pleasure visiting here. =)

  3. I am new to entrecard too & am having a blast seeing so many blogs and taking the time to say hello!!

  4. I just joined Entrecard and it has created many visitors to my site. I am enjoying visiting other blogs too! Saludos!

  5. I'm new to entrecard, too. I'm wondering how you know how many times someone has dropped on you. Do you count cards from your inbox for the entire past month or is there an easier way?

